Psy 222 Research Methods
Fall 2024
Dr. Thompson's fall 2024 office hours (DePaul Hall, room 107)
Research groups
Class research project
Course Material
- Exam 1 study guide (chapters 1 and 14)
- Exam 2 study guide (chapters 2, 3, 11)
- Exam 3 study guide (chapters 4, 5, 6)
- Exam 4 study guide (chapters 7-8)
- Chapter 10 study guide
- How to study for quizzes and exams
- Willingham (2016) Study tips for college students
- Videos
- Additional readings
- odds and probability conversion chart
General research information
- APS open science badges
- AsPredicted research study preregistration site
- Preregistration is becoming the norm (Nosek & Lindsay, March 2018)
- The Preregistration Challenge
- Psychotherapy's Image Problem
- Dowsing for bodies (Steven Novella)
- Why debunked pseudoscientific therapies persist (Lilienfeld et al. 2014)
- Psychological treatments that cause harm (Lilienfeld, 2007)
- Whatever happened to actual behavior? (Baumeister et al. 2007)
- Homeopathy: There's nothing in it
- James Randi on dowsing and the ideomotor effect (YouTube)
- Do IRBs actually protect research participants? (Grady, 2010)
- Team research proposal form
- Write results that make sense
- PsycINFO information on the APA web site
- APA style blog
- Checklist for APA research papers
- Better graphs to show your data (Hehman & Xie, 2022)
- Basics of APA style
- How to avoid term paper procrastination
- Sample APA papers (from the APA style website)
- APA paper templates: Pages Word
- Poster templates (24 x 36 inches): Keynote PowerPoint
- Tips for making posters
- Poster checklist
- What is BF and p-value? PDF graphic for posters
- NU Psychology research guide
- Save/export your poster as a PDF
- Email it to Suzanne Karaszewski at [email protected]
- In your email, specify the size the printed poster should be (e.g., 24 x 36 inches)
- The copy center will notify you when it is ready for pickup
JASP and R for data analysis Other information on data analysis
- American Statistical Association statement on p values
- p values are misunderstood (Goodman 2008)
- When Turing met Bayes (Matthews)
- Make use of what you already know (Matthews)
- Bayes Factor calculators (U of Missouri, Perception and Cog. lab)
- Bayesian estimation for two groups (online version by Bååth)
- Activity: Alpha is not the false alarm rate
- Activity: Bayes factors and prior by posterior graphs
- Activity: Graphs for factorial designs
- Visual introduction to probability and statistics (Brown Univ)
- Interactive visualizations of statistical concepts from Magnusson