Psy 101 Introductory Psychology
Spring 2025
Announcements and Reminders
- Welcome to PSY 101.
- Study tips:
- Using the study guide, study information in the textbook before we discuss it in class
- Practice what you will do during the exam (NOT highlighting and re-reading your notes over and over)
- Self-quizzing is a very effective study technique
- February 5: Exam 1, chapters 1-2
- Exam 1 study guide
- Do we really have brain regions? (Lisa Feldman-Barrett)
- February 24: Exam 2, chapters 3-4
- March 19: Exam 3, chapters 5-6
- April 7: Exam 4, chapters 7-8
- May 7: Exam 5: chapters 11-13
- Monday: 9:30-11:30 (except April 28)
- Thursday: 9:00-12:00
- Friday: 1:30-2:30 (except February 14)
- Interesting psychology news from APS
- Interesting psychology news from APA
- Study tips
- Avoid Term Paper Procrastination
- When your child misbehaves: Tips for positive discipline
- Facts about mental disorders and violence
- More on violence and mental disorders
- CNN Video: 5 things to know about CTE
- 25-year-old MMA fighter had CTE
- Youth soccer limits headers
- NFL affirms football-CTE link
- ESPN football analyst quits
- Aaron Hernandez age 27 had severe CTE
- NFL's Tragic CTE Roll Call
- 110 NFL brains show CTE
- NFL lineman retires at age 26
- Former receiver regrets playing football
- Concussions plague women's hockey
- Why one football fan stopped watching
- Should children play football?
- Bennet Omalu: Don't Let Kids Play Football
- Missouri high school drops football
- Debate: Should we ban college football?
- Some colorblind people helped by special glasses
- Gene therapy helps colorblind monkey see color
- Memories of childhood abuse
- New age therapies
- The man who couldn’t remember
- How Your Circadian Rhythm Tunes Your Health (TED video)
- BBC The science of sleep
- PROP non-tasters weigh more
- Genes and behavior
- Prairie dog alarm calls
- Vampire bats and blood sharing
- Psychology departments change their names
- NU Writing Center